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A: Good evening, ladies and Gentlemen, and welcome to the 2nd English Speaking Competition. First, let me introduce the two of us, your hosts for today. I’m *** from *——* and standing here beside me, ….

B: 介绍自己. I’m honored today to co-host this Speaking Competition. I feel really happy and excited that this competition has rooted in our university, it has drawn the attention of lots of English fans on our campus.

A: 尊敬的各位领导,各位老师以及今晚到场的各位同学们,大家 A&B:晚上好!

A: 欢迎光临第二届教师英语口语大赛。我是。。 B:大家好,我是。。。。

A: This contest is cosponsored by the International Exchange Office, the Academic Administration, the Personnel Division, the Foreign Language Teaching Department, the Youth League Committee and the School Union. It aims to promote English language learning and to bridge the gap between the different cultures of the world.

B: This is the second time that we organize this contest. We hope it will still be a good opportunity for the participants to display their talents in language and public speaking and to exchange ideas on important current issues. We also hope that you, the audience will enjoy this exciting competition and benefit from what you hear. After preliminary contests, the top winners from each college now come to today’s final competition. There are all together ___ contestants.

A:本场比赛是由国际交流处、教务处、人事处、外语教学部、校团委和校工会联合举办的。大赛旨在提高我校广大教师的英语口语水平, 提供展示教师风采的舞台。

B: 是的,同时我们也希望今晚到场的所有来宾能够同我们的选手一起感受比赛带给我们的紧张与刺激,伸出你的手,给我们的___位选手最大的鼓励吧!

A: Before we start, I’m so privileged to introduce the leaders of our university:

A: Today, the competition will be mediated by a panel of __ judges, the panel includes: ………

B: Also on the panel is our foreign teacher who will be responsible for cooperating with our contestants in the second round. Welcome and thank our honorable judges! (欢迎并感谢我们尊敬的评审们)

our foreign teacher ***

A:Allow me to conclude by once thanking the

foreign teacher for his kind cooperation and by wishing each of the speakers the very best of luck. (让我们感谢外教老师的精彩合作,并祝每位选手好运)

The Third Round:Free Talk

A: In this turn, the 10 contestants will be named as

the Top Ten of today’s Competition. Thereafter, the Top Ten will fall into 2 groups. Each will take a picture or a video clip at random.

B: After watching and thinking, all the contestants

are required to give a Free Talk within 1.5 minutes. You should pay more attention to the theme of the given materials. Afterwards, the judges will select the top two of each group to enter the championship round.

A: Attention, you will see the red cardboard when

there are only 30 seconds left. And when the bell ring, stop talking.


The Last Round:Extreme Confrontation

A: This is the Extreme Confrontation. First, the four

contestants will form 2 groups randomly, and they will conduct a debate on the given topic. Each side have 1 minute to state your own opinion, and 2 minutes of free debate and rebuttal. Then, the panel will take the superior side as final contestants of tonight. Then, the champion will stand out after a second round of debate.

B: We will give you the red cardboard when there are

15 seconds and 30 seconds left respectively. 颁奖:

Now , let me announce the result of this competition . 1. The Third place is *** Congratulation !

2. The Second place is *** Congratulation !

3. The First place goes to *** Perfect !

Congratulations to you all !


A:I now formally declare the Second English

Speaking Competition closed. Thank you all for coming. And we’ll look forward to seeing you next time at the next contest.

B: 女士们,先生们,现在我宣布:****到此结束。感谢大家的光临,我们期待下一次比赛与大家见面。p副标题e


Dear friends, this contest is beginning, please switch off your cell phones, thanks for your cooperation.


Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the first Practical English Speaking Contest.


Well this Competition is hosted by the Academic Administration and undertaken by the Foreign Languages Department, and special thanks given to the Information Center of our school. Thank you very much for your cooperation.


And we appreciated very much of the General Manager of XXXX, Mr. XXXX, who sponsored today’s contest. Thank you very much.


In today&39;s Grand Final,there are 33 finalists, who are all the winners of the preliminaries. So it will be a tough competition today.

今天的比赛共有33位入围选手,他们都是在初赛中胜出的精英。今天的比赛一定异常激烈! Yeah. Ok. Firstly, let&39;s introduce today&39;s honorable leaders and judges and guests. I have the great privilege of presenting today&39;s judges for this Contest.


Mr. XXXX, Minister of Propaganda Department of the CPC Committee of our school. 校党委宣传部部长XXX。

Mr. XXXX, Deputy Director of the Academic Administration.


Professor XXXX, Dean of the Foreign Languages Department.


Professor XXXX, Secretary of CPC General Branch of the Foreign Languages Department. 外语系党总支书记XXX教授。

Professor XXXX, Head of the Teaching and Research Section for Oral English.


Miss XXXX, Head of the Teaching and Research Section for Public English.


Mr. XXXX. Head of the Teaching and Research Section for Comprehensive Courses.


The foreign expert from XXXX, XXX, Welcome!


And the teachers in our department. They are: Miss XXXX.


Miss XXX.


Miss XXX.


Miss XXX.


Once again let&39;s welcome all the teachers and students.


Now Please now let me introduce the regulations of this final. All the contestants should enter the contest according to your number which has been chosen by yourself yesterday

afternoon. The Final consists of 2 parts, namely, reading and presentation. In the first section each of the contestants is required to read a given passage loudly, which occupies 40 percent of the total score. In the second part, they are required to give a presentation on a given graph, talking about what you can see and how you understand it. The final score of each contestant will keep two decimals.


The contestants with the first three highest scores will be granted the first prize, those with the next seven the second prize, and with the next ten the third prize. And the rest 13 contestants will be given the honorable prize.


I have a strong desire to see it. And that’s exactly what we will see today.

Me, too.

Okay, then, let’s get started. Now, let’s welcome contestant NO.1 XXXX, and Contestant NO.2, please get ready.


Thank the last contestant’s performance. Next let’s welcome XXXX give some comments on our contestants’ performance. Welcome!


And let’s welcome Mr. XXXX give some comments on our contestants’ performance. Welcome! 有请教务处XXXX副处长讲话,大家欢迎。

Thank you for you wonderful comments. Thank you. Now let us announce the list of honorable





Allow us to announce the list of third prize.




And now the list of second prize is as follows.




Now we would like to announce the list of first prize.




Once again, Congratulations, everybody. You are really excellent. Thank you for your outstanding performance.


Ladies and gentlemen, now, the First Practical English Speaking Contest of XXXX is ending. I know we are all deeply impressed by the wonderful performance presented by the 33 contestants. Thank you for your hard work. Let&39;s give them a big round of applause.


And I think our distinguished judges who make this contest possible deserve a big round of applause, too. Last but not the least, boys and girls, I think you deserve a big round of applause, too for being such good audience.


Ladies and gentlemen, honorable teachers, my fellow students, I would like to declare this

competition close. Thank you for your time. See you next year.





Good afternoon everyone!


There is a great contest to be held in the sunny day! That is our first English contest of class one gread two

这是一个令人振奋的日子,更是一个属于我们的日子。 This is our exciting day and happin day!


It means we can speak English,bravely ,easily.


So we say thanks a louder for our English teachers !They have a high regard to our English learning.


And wish this contest enjoy success!

我们的评委老师是 ,

The judges are Miss , Miss , Miss


Now the contest begins.


The first step: IPlease the first group.


Thank you. Please the second group.


Thanks, let’s welcome the third group.


Thanks, let’s welcome the fourth group.。


Thank you. Please the fifth group.


Thanks, let’s welcome the sixth group.


Thanks, let’s welcome the sevewn th group.

Please Mr. Chai talks about the contest.

谢谢 ?? 的精彩点评。

Thank you,??.


That&39;s the end of our contest today. Now the first English contest of class one gread two is over!Thank you! See you next time!


